Off to the Headwaters!


Like many outdoor recreationalists from Vancouver, the Howe Sound was my first experience of connecting with nature. Living and working at a children's camp gave my the opportunity to learn to rock climb, hike the surrounding parks, and spend time by the water. As with most visitors, the turquoise body of water along the Sea to Sky struck me. 

The inspiration for this film started with a simple question, where does the water come from? Which led to a series of questions: what does our connection to water mean? What about our connection to nature? And our relationship to ourselves?

This question is what is leading us on the journey to the Elaho Range, to the headwaters of the Sound. 


I knew that making a rad adventure film wasn’t enough -- I wanted to learn more about the significance of the area and especially what water means to the Squamish Nation and locals around the area. My hope is that our characters will be able to shed some inspiration, knowledge and stories about their connection with water and the land. 

Through sharing the beauty of where the water comes from and its significance, I hope our audiences can gain a greater appreciation for this beautiful area. 

I wouldn't be honest if I didn't share that I'm feeling everything: nervous, excited, stoked, scared. It's such a gift to have the opportunity to do this. 

A huge shout out to our supporters: MEC, The VIMFF Festival, Outdoor Explore, Squamish Terminals, Climb On Squamish,  Blackcomb Helicopters, and Backcountry Brewing!!