Don't take your creativity so seriously


I loathe the description of being  "a creative."

It's easy to allow the privilege of doing art for a living to get to one's head. 

I think being 'creative' has become something sexy to achieve. A status symbol. We imagine the world-traveling photographer on instagram. The Youtube Vlogger with millions of viewers. Or bearded designer. I think all that bullshit gets in the way of focusing on the doing, making and expressing of oneself. 

Bottom line is that all humans are creative. I believe that it's something we're all born with and have the potential to actualize in our lifetime.

Doing and making for the sake of it, not for followers, for external validation, or to make money. Forget about those things and get on being a real creative. Someone who makes, or finds expression in an activity for the sake of it.

Make something and never tell anyone about it. Keep it for yourself. Find a sliver of time to create. Maybe in the morning, when the world is asleep and the light is just peeking in the window. Make something in your solitude. Rediscover the joy and romance in the process. Pretend you're Plath, Picasso, Tarantino or your favourite artist.  Don't worry about the outcome, but focus on how you feel while you are doing it. Bask in it and bring it with you for the rest of the day. Bathe in the accomplishment of having made something.   

Then wake up and do it all again the next day.

Because that's what it really means to be 'a creative.' Don't take it all so seriously.