The Year Ahead.

I used to be a serial goal-setter. You could call me a recovering goal-setter.

What’s changed? I think…age. I see the flipped perspective of myself in my 20s, now that I’m into my 30s. A do-it-at-all-costs mentality isn’t sustainable. Experience has tempered ambition. Not for the worse, but for the realistic. It lets me be grounded.

7 years ago I left a full time job as a filmmaker. I saw the path to becoming a commercial director and trying to do that while being in-house didn’t look likely. So I bit the bullet. Like most journeys, mine was not linear. Between freelancing, taking a year off to travel, a global pandemic and a new child, there were so many stops and starts and zig-zags. All of which have led me to Suzanne Allan and her wonderful team. I’m happy to officially announce that I’m joining the roster with Sequoia Content.

Over the years, I’ve shifted my focus away from goals. At the beginning of the year, I’ll choose a word or two to focus myself. Last year, my word was cultivate. This year, my word is undeniable - plainly true or unquestionably excellent or genuine. Turning my focus on the work, I want to hone my craft, chip away at the marble and create work that feels more and more genuine to my voice.

It’s been a spicy start to the year. Between an internal video for lululemon, a social video for TD & the Canucks and a tourism spot, I’m catching my breath and re-aligning my focus for the year. I’m stoked to announce that “Spring After Spring” is in development for an hour-long documentary with Knowledge Network. And I just finished writing another personal project that’ll be ready to go into pre-production.

Slow. Steady. Forward. Thanks to all the friends, mentors, crew, and collaborators who’ve made my career possible up to this point. I’m excited for this wild ride and the year ahead.

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