2022 A Year in Review

2022 was…a building year. An analogy my friend Francis would use is, “growing a garden.” Planting seeds, weeding, sharpening the tools. But like most gardens, droughts come. There’s fighting pests and making the compost. It takes patience, care and nurturing for seeds to grow. But also…what do I know? I’ve never had a garden.

At the end of this year, I’m counting my blessings. From projects like The Mime, which have been well received, to experiences like going to the North West Territories to film a spot. I met an incredible cohort of filmmakers at the Whistler Film Festival Doc Lab, and have been quietly launching my documentary production studio. I managed to take some extra parental leave and have some fun adventures with the family. Despite the constant juggling of work, life and everything in between, I wouldn’t really have it any other way.

Cultivate (verb): to create a new condition by directed effort.

Each year I choose a word to focus my intentions on. What came to mind after some reflecting was cultivate. A verb, an action, a movement towards doing. This word is about creating the conditions for a sustainable, fulfilling, whole life. I love the phrase “directed effort” - I imagine no wasted energy. Concentration, focus, flow. It feels right for me. In the past, I’ve been scattered and like so many other people, distracted by the shiny new thing. But what it comes down to is that the most important work is often what is right in front of us.

So what is this new condition? It’s a working life that matches the pace of my personal life. It’s being better and more giving in my relationships. It’s about putting more intentionality and effort into fewer, but more work I’m proud of. It’s creating conditions for BIPOC and underrepresented people in the creative industry to thrive. And trying to do it all through honesty, sensitivity, connection, generosity, thoughtfulness and intentionality.

So here’s to a new intention to start the year. Here’s to sowing seeds. To loving the work. To waking up and showing up. Picking weeds. Taking rest. And of course, sharing our bounty and celebrating with the important people. Here’s to a new year.

Jon ChiangComment